Health : A Collective Commitment
Security: A Priority Shared by All
SNEP has been a signatory of the Responsible Care charter since 1998. This commitment devotes an important place to preserving the health of employees.
In addition, the company strives to put on the market products that are safe and comply with the most demanding international standards. It devotes constant efforts to guarantee responsible management of its products so that they do not harm human health or the environment.
To this end, SNEP has registered products (PVC and Caustic Soda) in accordance with European REACH regulations in order to improve the protection of human health (workers and consumers) and the environment.
Historically, SNEP has stepped up efforts to make prevention a state of mind shared by all. In this line, the company has a Security Management System certified OHSAS 18001.
SNEP's security policy is based on:
- Prevention
- Intervention
- Hygiene & Health
- Safety
- Collaboration and mutual aid
- Training and information on the safety of foreigners and new recruits